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Senin, 07 April 2008

Robotic Japanese

Godaikin Robotic

The Godaikin toy section is grouped into the three U.S. toy releases. The section Godaikin 1 pictures the original 9 toys that were sold around 1983. Godaikin 2 pictures robots sold around 1984 and 1985. Then the final section contains the last release of Godaikin Forces robots.

Godaikin robots were made in Japan by the devision of Bandai called Popy toys. They were then repackaged in New Jersey and distributed via California and other East Coast distributors.

Godaikin toys ended up being so costly and intricate that the kids couldn't afford them. Unfortuinately American adults weren't marketed to either; the force that could have kept the line going. Transfromers by Takara soon sucked up the market (within a year or 1984) and forced Godaikins to dissappear from the shelves and memories.

Sumber :Niken&Maryuningsih(Maryuningsih_23)

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